Teglværks Lunden


Teglværks Lunden

Houses near nature and water

Sweco Architects has developed a concept proposal for a new residential area for public housing near Teglværkssøen in Herning.

The project includes 64 public rental apartments that blend in with the surroundings and offer room for community and recreational activities in the surrounding green areas.

Ca. 3.900 m2 housing development.
Advisory role
Urban planning, landscape architecture and architecture consulting
Realised, 2018

Residential area for low-rise buildings and apartments

The houses fan out towards the lake, forging a link between the water and the communal green zones in the region. A diverse range of housing options, from compact 40m² flats to 112m² townhouses, are available to encourage diversity among residents.

Sunlight exposure is optimized in all townhouses and ground floor apartments as they feature terraces facing south or southwest. Additionally, residents can socialize, relax, and engage in activities in the communal green spaces located between the buildings.

Thinning the vegetation surrounding the lake will enhance its visual appeal and create a more inviting and open ambiance. A recreational pathway encircling the lake will facilitate movement around it, with designated spots for relaxation.
The spacious green areas amidst the buildings are ingeniously processed to serve as a hub for both recreation and engagement. They are designed to define a zone or area without the need for any additional elements like an elevated lawn, thereby creating an elegant form.
There are several spatial elements that can foster a sense of playfulness, such as encircling a tree or fire pit with cobblestones in a circular pattern, or creating a immersion in the ground and outlining it with edging to encourage people to linger and engage in games in the lowered space.
Teglværks Lunden - Sweco Architects
Teglværks Lunden - Sweco Architects