Water, Energy & Industry
Water supply
In recent years, the softening of drinking water has been a major focus area for the water supply sector. We handle the design management of the entire process associated with the establishment of a new waterworks, focusing on early involvement of relevant stakeholders and partners and handling construction management during the execution of the project.
Another important focus area is harmful substances in the groundwater, where we provide mapping services and measures to protect groundwater quantity and quality.
Selected projects
Protected areas in the vicinity of drilled wells (BNBO)
Protected areas in the vicinity of drilled wells are an important tool for municipalities when it comes to protecting the groundwater. We calculate the areas and assist municipalities with landowner negotiations based on existing data such as hydrostratigraphic models, pump data and groundwater models.
Groundwater and mapping
Mapping groundwater quantity and quality is a complex process that involves many disciplines such as planning, environmental assessments, geology, hydrogeology, modelling, groundwater chemistry etc. Sweco is a multidisciplinary company that has all the necessary expertise to handle tasks in this field.
Well fields and well field assesments
Well fields are where utilities source their ‘raw material’. We have all the necessary expertise to provide comprehensive consultancy services, including construction and process expertise, power and control, regulation and monitoring, geology, geophysics, water chemistry, modelling and planning.
Structural plans and water plans
Structural plans and water plans are the foundation for the water cycle. Both plans address future water supply requirements in terms of quantity and quality, as well as the environmental assessment of abstraction. We help our clients see the big picture and advise at the strategic and operational level. We have competent planning professionals with experience in municipal, regional and state planning and have handled many projects in this field.
We develop asset management investment plans for the renovation or expansion of waterworks with a focus on minimising total costs and optimising investment timing. We act as consultants to the developer, providing services ranging from conceptual proposals, sketches, detailed project planning, tendering and contracting to construction management and supervision. We draw on the specialist process optimisation and drinking water softening expertise of our Swedish colleagues who have constructed several water softening plants in Sweden.
Water pipelines
We map and prepare condition and risk assessments of existing water pipelines and plan which pipelines to renovate and replace. We also handle tendering, contracting, construction management and supervision.

Klaus Rosendal
Head of department / Water & Climate East
Rani Shaba
Head of Department / Water & Climate / West
Louise Skytte
Head of department / Environment