Myanmar projekt overview 2


Improving water supply in Myanmar

Clean drinking water for 350.000 residents

The authorities in Myanmar want to improve the water supply in the city of Yangon by implementing a water treatment plant, water reservoirs, water pipes and chlorine system. The local population has been living with the consequences of poor water infrastructure for many years.

Sweco is involved in this project to improve the city’s water supply, which will give around 350,000 residents access to clean drinking water.

Yangon, Myanmar
Yangon City Development Committee and Government of Myanmar
Technical studies, infrastructure planning, supervision, safety, environmental protection
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
UN sustainability Goals 1, 3, 6 and 9

Implementation of water facilities

As part of a joint venture led by Nihon Suido Consultants, Sweco is supporting the implementation of water facilities by providing detailed design, tender assistance and design oversight in accordance with FIDIC standards. Sweco is also responsible for reviewing the project’s safety measures and supporting implementation of the eco-management plan and the eco-monitoring plan, and conducting training in the workplace in relation to design, work supervision and O&M supervision.

Through the development and dissemination of an information campaign programme carried out by the Yangon City Development Committee, Sweco is helping raise public awareness of the value of clean water.

Myanmar projekt overview 3
Myanmar projekt overview

Access to clean drinking water

When the project in Yangon is completed, in addition to benefiting the local population, it will contribute to technical knowledge sharing. This will develop the customers’ competences and build up their capacity going forward. The boost to the water infrastructure in Yangon will improve the water supply, ensuring access to clean drinking water for around 350 000 inhabitants.

Myanmar projekt overview