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About Sweco

Integrated consulting

At Sweco, architects and engineers have worked closely together since 1958. Our founder Gunnar Nordström’s idea was to combine architect and engineer competences to create the best buildings.

This ability to collaborate across disciplines is more relevant now than ever.

Growing complexity in construction and the development of cities and communities as a result of urbanisation, digitalisation and sustainability places increasing demands on us as consultants, as we need to have access to a wide and deep range of skills and competences in order to deliver the most value-adding projects.

In Sweco, the solution is called integrated consulting.

Thomas B. Thriges Gade Odense
Thomas B. Thriges Gade cykelsti med gående par
Fritz Hansen Design Hall Allerød
Fritz Hansen Design Hall
Lindbjergskolen Herning
Lindebjergskolen tagareal

With integrated consulting, we incorporate the relevant skills and competences at points in the process that create the greatest value for the project. The project manager has direct daily contact with all trades, professions and specialties without looking at demarcations.

Our interdisciplinary team analyses context, needs, functions, space and economy and develops individual strategies, concepts and building programmes for each single project.

The purpose is to avoid deadweight loss and minimise waste through a timely flow of information that can form the basis for the design and execution, ensure progress and promote good cooperation throughout the process.

By combining and utilising the knowledge, competence and experience of our 1,500 employees in analysing and thinking through all parameters in the project from the outset, we can establish the best foundation for creating better and more sustainable buildings, cities, coasts, infrastructure, ports and communities.

Sweco HQ Copenhagen
Den store trappe i Sweco HQ
Hempel Campus Kgs. Lyngby
Hempel Campus trappe

Specialised integrated public housing team

With experience from public housing framework agreements and strategic partnerships such as TRUST, Byggepartnerskabet &OS and LIVA, Sweco has launched an integrated consulting team consisting of some of the most experienced architects, engineers and tenants’ coordinators specialising in creating good and healthy public housing.

Working with public housing requires an approach with a holistic focus on tenants, urban areas and sustainability. Therefore, we create value for public housing developments and the tenants based on an integrated approach because we have all disciplines gathered close to the projects and their everyday lives.

Nørrestrand Horsens
Nørrestrand naturareal
Rantzausbakke Horsens
Rantzausbakke rendering

Transforming society together