Mastrup Søerne

Water, Energy & Industry


At Sweco, we take a comprehensive approach to all environmental aspects and serve citizens and public and private clients. For developers, environmental issues are often seen as a challenge that may delay the execution of a project. We handle tasks diligently and professionally to ensure successful achievement of the main goal of the project.

Where possible, we design solutions that add value to the environment and nature, and we use the UN’s sustainable development goals as inspiration and pointers to develop and enrich projects.

We work all over Denmark and take pride in our local presence. We also make a point of having one point of contact for a range of environmental services.

Herningsholm Å Herning
Herningsholm Å oversvømmet
Environmental studies – Køhlers Have Copenhagen
Sydhavnsgade rendering
Copenhagen – Ringsted Zealand
Tog på KBH - Ringstedbanen

Regulatory permits

We prepare regulatory applications for all relevant issues. We have deep insight into procedures and relevant legislation and make sure that all the paperwork is submitted on time. Maintaining a good dialogue with state, regional and municipal authorities is important to ensuring good progress of the project.

Building contamination and demolition

We carry out environmental screenings and test building materials and the indoor air in buildings for contaminants such as PCB, asbestos and lead. We always ensure that we are up-to-date on applicable laws, orders and guidelines as well as administrative government practices. We draw up decontamination and waste management plans as well as tender documents for renovation projects and demolition work. We act as consultants to the developer, liaise with authorities, provide risk assessments, supervisory and inspection services, and we ensure that contractors handle and dispose of waste to minimise the impact on the environment and worker health and safety.

Building waste and resources

We have considerable expertise in examining materials from demolitions and renovations and obtaining permits to safely dispose of the waste. Our aim is to contribute to the increased reuse of building materials in the construction sector to ensure that waste is increasingly seen as a resource.

Soil and groundwater contamination

We assist with regulatory applications, risk assessments and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination and with improving the indoor climate at contaminated sites. We advise private clients, regions and municipalities which gives us good insight into the requirements and needs on both sides of the table.

Indoor climate – radon and mould

We test the indoor climate for radon and mould and examine the physical characteristics of the building to assess how we can create a healthy indoor climate. We help contractors and developers ensure that their buildings comply with the building regulations’ provisions on safe radon levels.

Groundwater management

We are involved at the initial stages of a construction project to assess the groundwater conditions, for example whether an excavated or bored sewer solution is needed. We design, plan and construct groundwater solutions, perform water treatment and apply for permits to discharge the water into rivers, lakes or harbours. We take care of documents related to the tendering process, provide supervision and also give expert opinions in arbitration cases on how a given task should have been handled.

Soil handling

We draw up soil handling plans for both area-classified and contaminated and potentially contaminated sites. We ensure quick and easy soil handling for the developer and liaise with authorities in connection with the construction work. We handle subsequent reporting to the authorities and provide supervision and sampling in connection with the excavation of contaminated soil.

Raw materials

Denmark has deposits of raw materials that can and must be exploited, but we must do so while taking the environment and people into account. We have skills in all necessary aspects of raw material exploration and extraction, including planning, environmental assessments, raw material analysis, noise measurement and modeling as well as traffic and authority negotiation.

Louise Skytte

Louise Skytte

Head of department / Environment