International services
As engineering and management consultants, we deliver sustainable solutions to growth markets within water supply, wastewater and sanitation, sustainability, climate, the environment, energy and road infrastructure across the globe.
Our geographical experience covers Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Caribbean.
We work with and for international financing institutions, multilateral agencies, private bodies and local governments. Our client portfolio includes the European Commission, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, Danida, the Danish Export Credit Agency, the Asian Development Bank etc.
Interdisciplinary approach
Our clients profit from the advantages brought to each project by our interdisciplinary teams, which comprise international, regional and local experts as well as technical specialists and soft-skilled consultants. This allows us to mix a rich set of knowledge and experience that can ensure sound project sustainability.
International standards
Owing to our core competences within project control and project management, we offer high-quality projects. Our business routines are well defined and efficient, and our project management systems have been fully certified in compliance with international ISO 9001 standards. Consequently, you are guaranteed that we work in accordance with internationally accepted requirements for project control and project management.
As part of our efforts to create value and sustainable growth for our customer – and for society in general – our environmental as well as our health and safety management systems have been certified in accordance with the internationally recognised standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. In practice, this means that your projects will always be assessed on the basis of the relevant conditions pertaining to the environment, climate change and health and safety.
International consultancy services
We offer everything from technical services to softer advice within all stages of the project cycle. Our international services include, but are not limited to:
Feasibility studies consisting of technical designs, environmental and social assessments, and institutional analyses.
The design and supervision of water, wastewater and road infrastructures in rural and urban areas.
Technical, environmental and social due diligence of infrastructure projects and investments.
Environmental and social services, including risk assessments, impact assessments, project appraisals, resettlement plans, gender assessments, management plans, stakeholder engagement, baseline studies and advice on environmental and social standards.
Technical assistance on infrastructure, climate and environmental projects and programes.
Capacity building and training for local government ministries, international clients and stakeholder representatives.
Sustainability assessments.