Schillerkvarteret overview

Nykøbing Falster

The Schiller District

A sustainable neighbourhood with housing options to suit everyone and a thriving local community. The district integrates naturally with the city and local environment, and neighbours and other key stakeholders are invited to participate in its creation.

Nykøbing Falster
Boligselskabet Fjordparken | Boligkontoret Danmark
50.000 m² | 3-400 homes
•Capital expenditure
600 mio. kr.
Consultant architect
Projektudvikling, visionsplan, Skema A ansøgning, almene boliger + lokalplan
Landowner Allan H. Schmidt | Birkelink | Sweco
1 Connection to the surroundings
Schillerkvarteret diagram 1
2 The green line
Schillerkvarteret diagram 2
3 Square formations and parking
Schillerkvarteret diagram 3

A residential district for everyone

The vision is to create a robust development that retains historic elements of the past and uses them to create an even more attractive future for the site and future residents. It will be a special place that both challenges and develops the way people live in Nykøbing Falster – in close contact with nature and with rich opportunities for communities.

The vision plan for the Schiller district has been developed with a focus on:

Infrastructure and cohesion: To create a natural and exciting connection to the surrounding city and nature.

Mixed housing: To create the basis for exciting innovative and mixed housing.

Mixed district: In addition to housing, the district could contain small businesses, retail stores and even education or care facilities.

Drawing nature into the city: To bring the forest and Tingsted river into play, with all the potential these offer as a gathering point in the city, thereby drawing nature into the new district.

Schillerkvarteret grønt område med træ
Schillerkvarteret grønt område med facade
Schillerkvarteret luftfoto

A green corner in the development plan

The green corner is a natural part of the development plan for Nykøbing Falster. The green area runs from the blue waters of the sound to the south towards the Schiller site, connecting to the forest landscape to the north. The district will serve as the intersection of the city, the river and the forest, while also binding together the local cultural and institutional functions.

Around 300-400 homes will be built in clusters of 15-20 units around an inner common courtyard. The buildings will be 1-3 storeys, containing 1-4 bedroom apartments or townhouses.

Each cluster will have a common courtyard and garden space for future residents to enjoy, centred around a greenhouse.

Green tract
In addition to creating good communities in the development, there is a focus on community with the rest of the neighbourhood. The courtyards will open onto the large green common area that connects the district. This meandering green tract will offer plenty of opportunities for resident initiatives such as beehives, etc.

Path systems will connect the development with the outside world and invite people inside. Parking will be provided in ‘pockets’ adjacent to the surrounding buildings.

Schillerkvarteret situationsplan

Local synergies

The Schiller district’s local anchorage is essential in order for future residents to feel at home. Careful integration ensures the possibility of co-creation with existing functions.

Kulturfabrikken is the neighbourhood’s closest cultural centre, with which direct synergies will be possible from phase one.

The opening to the forest, scout’s cabin and river/climate lake could provide a setting for a nature centre, with a focus on learning about life in nature and climate awareness.

As an alternative to housing, the Schiller district could contain buildings with a mix of public sector and private tenants.

Guldborgsund Zoo and Botanical Garden offers special knowledge sharing, and with a square opposite the main entrance that is open towards Vesterskoven, a special focal point will arise in the city.

The city’s green vein can be used for movement and as a safe path linking the city’s sports facilities, including the forests, sports halls and stadium.

Schillerkvarteret grønt område