Lundehusskolens aula

Sweco architects

Strategic partnerships

Sweco Architects is part of three strategic partnerships.

TRUST / Good schools and good teamwork

The rapid population growth in Copenhagen has created a huge need for more places in the municipality’s schools and daycare centres – and existing schools are in need of rejuvenation. With a construction sector characterised by complex and slow processes, a conflict culture and budget overruns, a new approach was needed if the project was to be successful.

The City of Copenhagen’s development unit, Byggeri København (ByK), and TRUST have had a strategic partnership since November 2016, and are undertaking numerous institution and school construction projects under a four-year framework agreement.

Trust-based cooperation

TRUST was created by the ‘parent companies’ – Enemærke & Petersen, Nøhr & Sigsgaard, Sweco Architects, DOMINIA, Norconsult, Lytt Architecture and Kragh & Berglund landskab – together with a number of associated partners. We have developed a collaboration structure based on trust, stakeholder interest and mutual commitment. The permanent supplier team works closely together on a wide range of projects, and shares an office, so that all the different disciplines – architects, engineers, landscape architects and contractors – sit side by side.

With ByK and TRUST, we have created an independent organisation and a committed interdisciplinary community, in a short time, that focuses on creating the best conditions for the city’s children and youths – on time and at the right price.

VÆKST – School in Sydhavn TRUST
Lykkebo Skole aula
Holbergskolen TRUST
Holbergskolen gangareal
Lundehusskolen TRUST
Lundehusskolen barn ved rød væg

&os / construction with purpose

As we build and change, we have to ask ourselves and each other: Does it make sense for residents and operations? For the employees working on the project? For the sector and society?

Integrating the entire value chain

Sweco Architects joined the &os construction partnership in 2019. This plans and performs renovation and new construction for the KAB community’s general housing organisations. The partnership consists of Enemærke & Petersen, JJW architects, Sweco Architects, SLA landscape architects, Oluf Jørgensen, Norconsult and the Rekommanderet consultancy agency. The building partnership has been established with a long-term perspective and a common interest in working on the same team, continuously acquiring knowledge, and ensuring a good experience for residents – our customers. We organise the entire value chain around a portfolio of projects that hopefully enable us to create meaning in each project, while launching meaningful initiatives across all the general construction projects within the KAB community.

High job satisfaction in our daily work

We are striving together towards a way of working in which, in addition to a common focus on good customer experiences, we jointly manage risks, create opportunity spaces and exploit the professional and interdisciplinary optimisation potential that we identify. We also want exploit the opportunity to do better analysis of each project when we all do it together.

Inspiration for the KAB community and the construction sector

The knowledge and experience we gain from the KAB community’s spectrum of general housing projects must of course benefit all the employees and parent organisations involved. But it must also contribute to future projects in the KAB community, and hopefully also to development of the entire construction sector, so that the sector’s value chain becomes more aware of how we can build meaningfully. For residents and operations. For Employees. For the sector and society.

Generationernes Hus Byggepartnerskabet &os
Generationernes Hus facade
Knudriisrækkerne Byggepartnerskabet &os
Knudrisrækkerne gård
Byggepartnerskabet LIVA / Boligorganisationen CIVICA

In 2021, the public housing organization CIVICA has established a new strategic building partnership to handle the extensive construction and renovation tasks of the coming years. The partnership will i.a. have a strong focus on sustainability and will include renovations of homes and new construction, including the development plan of the residential area Vollsmose in Odense.

Team LIVA consists of Enemærke & Petersen, Sweco Architects, Erik Arkitekter, Oluf Jørgensen, Sweco and Bymunch. LIVA is a contraction of the four words: Life, Insight, Values and Alliances – and refers to a statement of intent from the team to create a better framework for the good life, to seek insight into the tasks, to have common values for the collaboration and to create a locally rooted culture of cooperation.

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Uffe Bay-Smidt

Tender Director / Architect / Constructing Architect