At Sweco, our ambition is to be at the forefront of the green transition in all the markets in which we operate. Through our customers’ projects, we contribute to enhancing biodiversity in many different ways, each time customized to local opportunities and the builder’s wishes.
When we consider biodiversity from the beginning, by preserving and developing habitats for all the life forms that make up an area’s biodiversity, we can add value to our customers’ projects – and it does not have to be expensive.
Documenting your biodiversity efforts
Companies in the EU will soon include biodiversity in their financial accounts, documenting their impact on biodiversity as part of the ESG/sustainability reporting outlined in the CSRD (EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). Our experts will help you get there.
In addition, we advise on how to integrate SBTN (Science-based targets for nature) into your project, how to achieve DGNB Planet certification and fulfill the requirements of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.
We will help you stay at the cutting edge with a clear strategy for your biodiversity efforts, and we can document them to ensure compliance with the new EU ESG accounting requirements. Our experts specialise in both green and blue biodiversity solutions, helping optimise conditions for insects, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mosses, lichens, fungi, and wild plants – while also creating new engaging and recreational urban spaces and landscapes.
At the same time, planting and enhancing biodiversity are important tools in our use of nature-based solutions (NBS), helping prepare our cities, coasts and communities for future extreme weather events such as torrential rains, storms, rising sea levels, and extreme heat.
The total biodiversity footprint of a building
At Sweco, we also have the expertise to provide clients with an overview of the building’s total biodiversity footprint and identify which parts of the building have the greatest impact. This is an important step towards more responsible construction, with greater respect for nature.
We begin by conducting the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in accordance with the climate requirements of the current Danish building regulations (Bygningsreglementet, BR18). In this way, we calculate the impact of the construction on the surrounding biodiversity, i.e., ‘on-site’, as well as the biodiversity impact of the building’s energy consumption and the production of the materials used, i.e., ‘off-site’.
Meet our experts

Christine Collin
Head of Sustainability
“‘We now have the knowledge and tools needed to measure the biodiversity footprint of buildings on-site at the construction site – but also off-site throughout the lifecycle of the building.
It is particularly important to me that we realise the huge environmental impact off-site that we see in material production and operational energy. I hope it will help builders focus their biodiversity efforts where they matter most, resulting in buildings that are as beneficial for nature as possible.
“It will be the key to achieving the global biodiversity goals by 2030”.

Carina Rosenbech
Landscape architect and team leader of Urban planning and Landscape
To succeed with a biodiversity initiative, the project must fulfill three (often-overlooked) criteria:
We need to ensure that the soil conditions support the plants and trees we want to grow. Otherwise, we risk having a negative impact on the landscape and surrounding nature.
“The contractor must be well-prepared for the planning and design of this – they need to understand the geology, landscape strategies, and other green concepts behind the project.
Landscape management is of utmost importance. If we manage the landscape with herbicides, control it with lawnmowers, or use excessive salt for deicing, we destroy biodiversity.” The operations manager must be thoroughly informed about the purpose of the project.”

Nikolaj Sass Ebsen
“We are all realising that the biodiversity crisis is real, and that we can actually act on it and make a difference. We still have lots of precious nature and fascinating species that we must protect and preserve.
“Let us, therefore, incorporate the expertise of biologists into urban renewal and construction projects, so we can create sustainable solutions that, for example, suit the soil type and native species.”
At the same time, we shouldn’t clear an area to create new biodiversity, if we can support the nature that is already there.”
A multidisciplinary approach to biodiversity
Biodiversity is a discipline that requires multidisciplinary expertise. Sweco has some of the country’s best experts with vast knowledge of both plants and animals. Our biologists carry out screenings and in close dialogue with the customer, our landscape architects use this knowledge as a design parameter for landscape projects in cities, residential areas, squares and parks.
In addition to our biologists and landscape architects, our sustainability specialists, geologists and water engineers ensure that we can advise on all kinds of biodiversity projects. This interdisciplinary collaboration systematically collects, disseminates, and incorporates knowledge into our clients’ projects.
CSRD and ESRS compliance
Biodiversity is a key focus in sustainability reporting under the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Companies must document their impact on biodiversity and the initiatives they have implemented to preserve and enhance biodiversity. At Sweco, we can help you integrate biodiversity into your sustainability reporting and document your efforts in this area.
Some of our biodiversity services
Biodiversity screening and analysis
By mapping the existing biological condition in and around a project area, such as existing natural areas, new developments, parks, and along roads, we create a knowledge base and ensure the best possible conservation and development of biodiversity. We can perform the biodiversity screening at different levels.
Other services
Development of biodiversity policies and action plans
Preparation of aftercare plans following extraction of raw materials
Establishment of dispersal corridors to create large coherent areas
Education and communication about biodiversity for operational staff, schools, caretakers, and others.
Integration of biodiversity considerations into climate projects
Screening of afforestation projects
Rainwater management
Landfill – change of use and nature restoration
Biodiversity and physical planning
Physical planning has a significant impact on future opportunities to enhance biodiversity. The planning includes land use, urban structures, the location of facilities and functions, transport patterns, coastal protection, as well as management of floods and heavy rainfalls. Through physical planning, our urban planning specialists establish the framework for nature and green spaces – from large-scale green structures, dispersal corridors, and wildlife passages to the design of shared open spaces and recreational areas.
We also work with design solutions where rainwater is visible and contributes to increased biodiversity, nature experiences and recreational opportunities for urban users.
Læs mere om vores arbejde med byplanlægning her.
Biofactor evaluation of your project
Biofactors provide a measure of the extent of an area’s green elements in relation to its size. By incorporating roof surfaces, facades, and rear walls – and by making surfaces accessible to vegetation and water flow – it is possible to achieve high biofactor values, even in the densest urban areas. We will assist with a biofactor evaluation for your project area, which is also useful when setting specific goals.
The development of nature quality and biodiversity on existing land
Der er et stort uudnyttet potentiale for at styrke biodiversiteten ved at arbejde strategisk med eksisterende arealer omkring f.eks. private virksomheder, offentlige institutioner, i parker, langs veje, ved kirker, ejerforeninger, boligforeninger, haver, landbrugsejendomme, efter råstofudvinding.
Vi hjælper også med at vurdere naturpotentialer ved opkøb af arealer, der skal omdannes til natur, og vi har desuden stor ekspertise i at udarbejde plejeplaner for eksisterende naturområder.
Udvikling af eksisterende arealer giver mere oplevelsesrige omgivelser og uderum, som mennesker tiltrækkes af og trives i – og Indsatserne kan med fordel indgå i ESG-rapportering
Calculating the biodiversity footprint over the lifecycle of a building
We help give clients an overview of the overall biodiversity footprint of the building and which parts of the building have the greatest impact. We calculate the impact of the construction on the surrounding biodiversity, i.e., ‘on-site’, as well as the biodiversity impact of the building’s energy consumption, and the production of the materials used, i.e., ‘off-site’. We calculate the impact of the construction on the surrounding biodiversity, i.e., ‘on-site’, as well as the biodiversity impact of the building’s energy consumption, and the production of the materials used, i.e., ‘off-site’.
. Så kontakt Christine Collin, Afdelingschef for Bæredygtighed christine.collin@sweco.dk

Louise Skytte
Head of department / Environment
Carina Rosenbech Tycho
Team Manager / Landscape West / Landscape Architect
Anja Boserup
Team Manager / Landscape East / Landscape Architect