Sweco Talent Talks

Inspiration and dialogue across the disciplines of the building industry

Inspiration and dialogue across the disciplines of the building industry

Sign up for Sweco Talent Talks!

Sweco Talent Talks is a series of events for students and newly graduates, where we get together to inspire one another, debate and engage in dialogue across the building industry. If we are to design better cities and communities, it requires us to collaborate across our disciplines, as architects, engineers, construction architects, biologists, software developers, landscape architects or something completely different!

At our Talent Talks, you’ll meet Sweco’s our experts and with you as our guest, we will discuss solutions to and visions on a current and trending topic in the building industry right now.

You’ll also learn more about what it is like to work at Europe’s leading architecture and engineering consultancy.

Sign up here

Meet us in Copenhagen and Aarhus this March

For this spring’s Talent Talks, we invite you to our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus. Here, we will present our innovation project, The Planetary Project, and zoom in on the question: if the planet were our client, how would we develop our society and manage the Earth’s resources?

You will meet our Director of Innovation, Karl-Martin Buch Frederiksen, and selected experts from our planetary taskforce.

There are a limited number of places available for the two events. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up via our registration form at the bottom of the page.

The evening’s presentations will be conducted in Danish, but our experts are always available to answer any questions you may have in English.

Time and Location

Thursday, 13 March: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sweco Copenhagen
Ørestads Boulevard 41

Thursday, 27 March: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sweco Aarhus
Willemoesgade 13K

Sign up for Sweco Talent Talks in Copenhagen or Aarhus

  • Are you a student or working? Please indicate university, job title or if you are vacant.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Emilie Holmbo Jensen

Emilie Holmbo Jensen

Communications partner
Signe Moeslund Mains

Signe Moeslund Mains

Communication consultant