

Upgade of Building Damage Insurance System

Upgrade to new technology

The Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority is responsible for managing the rules on mandatory building damage insurance. When the rules were adopted in 2008, Sweco developed a system for managing the rules on behalf of the Danish Energy Agency.

Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority
Development of IT system
Danish Technological Institute

Efficient multi-platform system

Sweco has developed a new version of the building damage insurance system ( using .Net, Vue and MS SQL Server. The new system is a responsive IT solution that can be easily used from either a PC or tablet.

The system is used by the building damage insurance secretariat, the insurance companies’ case workers and building experts, who perform 1-year, 5-year and any extraordinary inspections of buildings covered by building damage insurance on behalf of the insurance companies.

The building cases are automatically retrieved from owner registers via Datafordeleren, and the insurance companies set up inspections in the system as the time for these approaches. The insurance company case workers request a building expert to perform the inspection, which is then carried out. The building expert may use a tablet for the inspection, to take any inspection images and file these directly on the inspection in the system.

The building expert reports that the inspection has been completed, and then the insurance case manager processes the inspection. When the case manager is finished, the inspection is completed and a report is generated that the homeowner can access at

Sweco’s system provides a reporting tool via which the secretariat can compile the reports to be passed on to the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority and interest groups.

The system supports the rules

The new building damage insurance system gives customers a system that can be used on multiple platforms, and which supports the rules on mandatory building damage insurance.
The aim of the new system – and the rules – is to prevent significant building damage in residential units, and thereby increase the quality of private housing.