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Nordfløjen luftfoto


The New Rigshospital

Construction of a modern new hospital

Sweco has been consultant engineer for all engineering disciplines and construction manager for the construction of the New Rigshospital, which encompasses three buildings: The North Wing, patient hospital and administration building and a car park building.

The North Wing project contains two functions – the Centre of Head and Orthopaedics and the Neuroscience Centre, including outpatient clinics, a radiology unit, operating areas, wards, research and training and trauma OP. The North Wing is connected to the central complex via a walkway on the third floor and an underground corridor, through which all supplies flow into the wing.

Region Hovedstaden
77.000 m²
Design for all engineering services, construction management, 3D design, BIM and ICT, environment, acoustics, advice on natural lighting, sustainability, fire protection advice, plant financial management and risk management.
Advisory role
Consultant engineer and construction manager
LINK Arkitektur (lead consultant), 3XN, Nickl & Partner, Kristine Jensens Tegnestue
UN Sustainability Goals 3, 7, 8 og 11
Adam Mørk

Design focus on natural light and sustainability

Optimal use of natural light has been key to the design of the North Wing, as it benefits patients through ‘healing architecture’ and provides better working conditions for employees. As an active partner in the design phase, Sweco helped to decide on the buildings’ characteristic zig-zag shape, based on natural light and energy calculations, wayfinding, working conditions, etc.
The shape makes maximum use of the natural light, leading to energy savings due to less need for artificial lighting. It also eases work routines and shortens the distances.

Natural light calculations were able to show where there was a need for flexible solar screens, to ensure energy savings for cooling in the summer and thereby reduce plant and operating costs. A reduction in energy consumption also means that the construction project meets the BR 2020 building code.
In addition to adapting the physical setting to meet natural light requirements, good indoor climate and energy efficiency are also ensured by a comprehensive SCADA system, which dims the lighting when rooms are vacant, etc. In addition to the hospital building achieving a high level of sustainability, there is also a focus on indoor climate, working environment, utilities, materials and operations following construction.

The North Wing contains a large number of intelligent systems to meet the building’s many functional requirements. The following have been installed: advanced cooling and ventilation systems to ensure an optimal indoor climate, automatic radiator shut-off when windows are opened, security systems – including fire alarm and fire warning, ACS, AIA, BMS, including a SCADA system and IBI system. There are also many technical installations for liquids and gases in operating theatres, research facilities, outpatient clinics, etc.

In connection with the BIM design, Sweco’s services have included 3D design, including quantity extraction and digital consistency control, digital tendering with quantities, digital handover and classification with DKB.

Nordfløjen opholdsområde
Nordfløjen stue
Nordfløjen opholdsområde

Complex construction management, patient hotel, administration building and car park building

In connection with demolition of the existing buildings on site, Sweco has served as an environment consultant and construction manager, with a focus on mapping the building contamination, describing the decontamination method, waste management and the actual demolition of the buildings. To avoid disturbing highly vulnerable patients, staff, road users and others, there have been strict demands for the demolition and on minimising dust, noise and vibration.

Construction management for the New Rigshospital was extremely complex and required strong project management to ensure that time schedules and quality requirements were met. Construction of the North Wing was divided into six major contracts.

Sweco has also been an active part of the design process for the building, which houses a patient hotel on the lower floors and an administration area on the upper floors. Good natural lighting has also been a key element of the building design. The building is well thought out in relation to the location of technical installations, sustainability and energy optimisation, with the result that the building was able to satisfy the requirements of building class 2020. Sweco also served as the construction manager for the building, which has been built under three major contracts – the shell, fitting out and technical systems.

The façade of the car park building consists of rotated slats, illuminated by LED lighting with automatic control, which provides differentiated lighting depending on the time of day and season. It is also possible to create more spectacular lighting on special occasions. Sweco has been consultant engineer for all engineering disciplines and construction manager in connection with the construction, under a main contract.

The new North Wing of Rigshospitalet has been acclaimed as the world’s best future hospital architecture, receiving the WAF award in 2012.
