Laura Hus facader


Laura Hus

Laura Hus is located in the new Copenhagen district Carlsberg Byen and only 10 meters away from the historic Elephant Gate.

With discrete architectural thrusts and references, the building relates itself to the surroundings and is incorporated into the historic area as a multifunctional house.

Elefanterne ved Laura Hus
Laura Hus facadedetaljer
Laura Hus facade og trappe
Carlsberg Byen
Realised, 2017
Carlsberg Byen P/S
Incl. basement: 2.807 m2 | Excl. basement: 2.361 m2

Designed into Copenhagen cultural history

Laura Hus is located in the centre of Carlsberg Byen and only 10 meters away from the historic Elephant Gate – thus, the building is located in the middle of Copenhagen cultural history. The historic context has been the inspiration for the architecture of Laura Hus that has been designed as a simple and neutral neighbour to its historic surroundings. Also, the building contains clear architectural references to the adjacent buildings.

Laura Hus contains both housing floors, a café, offices and a showroom and by that the building contributes to the new district as a vibrant building.

Discrete references to the surroundings

Laura Hus is designed with a discreet and solid appearance, but the architectural expression is still characterised by several details, so the building contributes to the area with something new and different.

To create a coherence in the area we have worked with different details in the facades with inspiration from the surrounding buildings. With simple architectural effects the facade of Laura Hus appears calm and solid, yet vivid and modern – the details are found in the brickwork that is executed in dark, red bricks. In carefully selected places the bricks are enhanced to create a simple rhythm in the facade. By the windows, a dark golden aluminum plate has been incorporated, which creates a vivid game between play between the different materials.

Laura Hus facade