

Kalundborg Motorway – south of Regstrup

A safe road for local commuters

The Danish Road Directorate opened the entire second stage of the Kalundborg Motorway in September 2019. The new 6.5-kilometre-long section runs south of Regstrup, between Kvanløse and Dramstrup. It involved the expansion of approx. 1.5 kilometres of Skovvejen into a four-lane motorway, and construction of 5 kilometres of new four-lane motorway south of Regstrup.

The new four-lane motorway brings the adjacent towns and companies in the region closer together. This means better opportunities for growth and much safer travel between work and home for the many thousands who commute along the new road section each day.

The project involved the design and implementation of 6.5 kilometres of motorway, including connecting ramps, structures, noise screens and road lighting, and cutting roads and paths.

2017 – 2019
M. M. Eriksson A/S
6,5 km. motorway
Tender planning, outline and detailed project planning, design management and project follow-up and supervision.
Capital expenditure
230 mio. kr.
Contract form
Turnkey contractor

A safe road for local commuters

The Danish Road Directorate opened the entire second stage of the Kalundborg Motorway in September 2019. The new 6.5-kilometre-long section runs south of Regstrup, between Kvanløse and Dramstrup. It involved the expansion of approx. 1.5 kilometres of Skovvejen into a four-lane motorway, and construction of 5 kilometres of new four-lane motorway south of Regstrup.

The new four-lane motorway brings the adjacent towns and companies in the region closer together. This means better opportunities for growth and much safer travel between work and home for the many thousands who commute along the new road section each day.

The project involved the design and implementation of 6.5 kilometres of motorway, including connecting ramps, structures, noise screens and road lighting, and cutting roads and paths.

3D models and BIM workflows

Sweco was initially responsible for tender design, including optimisation of the project offered during the tender phase and volume optimisation. The developer’s tender requirements were pushed, identifying optimisation opportunities for the contractor.

During the detailed design, Sweco served as lead consultant to MJ Eriksson, where the project was further adapted to the contractor’s ideas and wishes. The collaboration involved several workshops and design meetings to assess potential for buildability, optimisation and savings. The design was effected in a number of packages using 3D CAD models and BIM workflows, so that the path through the Danish Road Directorate’s comment process was as quick as possible.

During the implementation phase, Sweco adapted its efforts to the needs of the contractor in terms of expert supervision and project follow-up.

Efficient and buildable solutions

Sweco’s focus on the contractor’s wishes resulted in a tender plan and a detailed plan that are highly optimised. This focus had a major impact on the turnkey contractor’s pricing for the project, and hence on the contract being won in close competition with the other bidders, with high scores being awarded for the tender’s technical solutions.

During the detailed planning, an optimised project was developed in close dialogue with the turnkey contractor, resulting in efficient and buildable solutions that eliminated unnecessary risks and/or expensive solutions.

Sweco’s services

Soil, drainage, sub-base, base course, asphalt, guard railing, paving and marking work on 6.5 kilometres of motorway, 4 ramps, approx. 3.7 kilometres of public road, 1 roundabout and approx. 1 kilometre of paths

4 new bridges and 6 small fauna passages

Full or partial break-up of approximately 2.7 kilometres of roads

1 kilometre of noise screens

Road lighting at roundabout, city gate and path underpass

Kalundborgmotorvejen afkørsel