FoodLoop - Sweco Danmark

Visionary project


The project FoodLoop draws the contours of the food-producing cities of the future with large-scale underground urban agriculture.

Sweco presented the project at the Future Spaces of Sustainable Food Production conference, which was developed in collaboration with the Royal Academy and Arkaia.


The project explores the possibilities of designing a unified, closed underground food supply chain in the heart of city and raises the question: Can our cities become self-sufficient in the future?

FoodLoop - Sweco Danmark

A future underground food cycle

Food has always been a quiet yet powerful player in the development of our cities and rural areas. The increasing urbanization, quantum leaps in technology and the green transition point to an understandable paradigm shift in our eating habits.

A shift that also question whether our future cities can be developed for the overall well-being of the planet without food production being part of the big cities’ planning strategy.

With the visionary project FoodLoop, the unequal relationship between city and country is challenged and look into how food production systemically can reformulate our cities and society.

FoodLoop - Sweco Danmark
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Karl-Martin Buch Frederiksen

Head of Innovation / Market Manager / Architect