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Faxe Spildevand

Better for the aquatic environment

Faxe Spildevand has five wastewater treatment plants of varying capacity and condition. At a time when the volume of wastewater and rainwater is gradually increasing, and there are stricter requirements in relation to both the aquatic environment and economic operation, Faxe Spildevand has appointed Sweco to conduct a scenario analysis for the entire wastewater system in Faxe Municipality.

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In progress
Faxe Spildevand
Scenario analysis and workshops

UN global goals in focus

Using six scenarios, Sweco’s consultants will investigate and decide on the future structure Faxe Spildevand should have for the wastewater system in the municipality. The focus of the project is on getting the best solution for the aquatic environment with the money available. The goal is to be achieved through close cooperation and early involvement of operations staff and a specialist in sustainability and the UN global goals.

The project was therefore launched with an all-day workshop, attended by more parties than usual. In addition to managers from the utility, Faxe Spildevand’s operators and representatives from Faxe Municipality also took part. Sweco was represented by specialists in drainage and wastewater treatment, the environment, recipient and asset management and one of Sweco’s experts in sustainability and the UN global goals.

Sweco’s specialists in drainage systems, treatment plants and recipients will analyse and assess six scenarios for a future structure. Each scenario will be considered in light of the UN global goals – particularly goal 13 on the climate, 15 on biodiversity, 17 on partnerships and 12 on sustainable forms of production.

Holistic and future-proof structural plan for Faxe Spildevand

The structural plan must set out the most value-adding acquisition, operation and maintenance, replacement and disposal of Faxe Spildevand’s assets throughout their lifetime. The focus will be on laying out a solid and thorough foundation for choosing the future structure for wastewater treatment in Faxe Spildevand.

A holistic review will result in an impact and economic analysis that ensures Faxe Spildevand has a future-proof and sustainable structure.