Østre-Vestre Søbad fra luften 2


Easterne-Western Sea Resort

The sea resort in Silkeborg protect nature and biodiversity

The bathing facilities offer various activity options for both winter bathers, summer visitors, sportsmen and children.

Silkeborg Municipality
Approx: 2000 kvm.
UN Global Goals
3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 og 15
Østre-Vestre Søbad


The two sea resorts have been developed in close collaboration with the Danish Nature Agency and the permits for the project are, among other things, given on the basis of a thorough habitat impact assessment, which ensures that the new buildings can be carried out without consequences for the area’s animals, plants and water environment. The nature around Almindsø contains a high biodiversity with e.g. 20 species of underwater plants – here are several rare ones.

With inspiration from nature’s own forms, it is the circle that is the basic idea behind the design – the round eastern bathing bridges will lie next to each other, while at the western sea resort they will lie in extension of each other out into the water. By designing the lake baths as round, connected bridges with integrated buildings and facilities, the architecture will greatly invite the bathers to use the bridges when they move around the lake bath – thereby they will wear less on the surrounding nature. The new lake baths will be built in locally produced wood and will be bolted together without the use of fittings.

Østre-vestre søbad
Østre Vestre Søbad - Sweco Architects