Den Kreative Skole
Den Kreative Skole stems from the shape and materials of the existing buildings
Sweco Architects has assisted Den Kreative Skole with client advice in connection with conversion and extension to the cultural institution’s existing facilities.
- Location
- Silkeborg
- Year
- Realised, 2019
- Developer
- Silkeborg Municipality
- Area
- 1.870 m²

A child of his time
Den Kreative Skole (The Creative School) is a municipal cultural school in Silkeborg, which offers teaching in music, dance, drama, visual arts and author tracks. In the reconstruction of the school, the architectural motif is taken from the shape and materials of the existing buildings.
The library’s serrated gable motif and the extensive use of tiles in the area’s distinctive buildings have been incorporated into the new buildings, and they thus fall naturally into the surroundings. At the same time, new shapes, colors and materials have been thought into the buildings, so that they get their very own identity on the site. The library extension to the east ends the library in an understated and transparent building that houses a new main entrance.
The buildings are built with large glass facades on the ground floor to achieve contact between the activities in the buildings and the activities on the squares at Den Kreative Skole, and colored fields in the facade characterize the in-fill task and send a strong signal that the building is a child of its time. and that something very special is happening behind the facades of the building.