
Lolland Municipality

Lolland Municipality uses the construction waste solution to handle reviews of construction waste efficiently and in a targeted manner

Since 2010, Lolland Municipality itself has been responsible for demolishing 1,100 properties. This makes Lolland one of the municipalities in the country with the most demolitions per year. In addition, there are demolitions in the municipality, which are carried out by other developers.

The many demolitions result in larger quantities of potentially hazardous construction waste, which must be handled correctly to avoid pollution of the surroundings or harmful consequences for the people who come into contact with the waste.

Lolland Municipality
Construction waste management
UN 17 Global Goals
12.2.1, 12.4.2 og 12.5.1
Lolland Municipality

Unique serial number

In June 2020, Lolland Municipality commissioned Sweco’s construction waste solution to handle the large amounts of construction waste correctly. Rules from 2013 mean that ‘do-it-yourself people’, craftsmen and other professional builders have a duty to report construction waste to the municipality. The notification obligation must ensure that construction waste, which may contain PCBs or other environmentally hazardous substances, is handed over to a properly approved recipient.

From December 2020, the rules were further tightened in that notified construction waste must be given a unique serial number, which must follow the waste from the demolition site to an approved recipient.

“Before June 2020, we had a hopeless Word scheme which did not give us the overview we needed. We got that with Building waste. It is easy to get an overview of incoming cases, and we can all easily take care of them. The unique thing about the system is that a serial number is automatically added. When I sign off in the system, a serial number is sent to the notifier and to the receiving facility, and then I put it in the file. In this way, we can easily track where the waste comes from and where it is going,” explains Heidi Pejter Kristensen, environmental case manager in Lolland Municipality.

Heidi is happy with the system’s structure, which means that cases are treated uniformly.

“With the system, we get to put the cases in a schedule and fixed forms, so that there is less individual assessment. It also means that we can work very precisely with the types of waste,” emphasizes Heidi.

Happy contractors

Lolland Municipality demolishes approx. 100 properties per year in collaboration with three local contractors, but also smaller companies and private individuals report construction waste.

“I was excited to see how our contractors would react to the digital system, because they were used to pieces of paper with information, but they have accepted it very well because it is easy to access,” says Heidi.

“All in all, we are very happy with the system, which we have influence on the optimization of with new small, improved functions,” concludes Heidi.

The advantages of Swecos construction waste solution

Guided process provides higher quality reviews – nothing is forgotten or overlooked

More efficient case management

Case processing can be done directly in Building Waste with quick journaling to the municipality’s ESDH system

Mails and notifications are automatically sent to all the project’s actors

Integration to the municipality’s website and Byg og Miljø, so that all reviews are collected in one place.