Bifrost trappe med børn



New facilities for students and teachers at the creative school Bifrost

An optimization of the school’s layout, larger classrooms and a new, multifunctional Green House have created a new framework for everyday life for students and teachers at the school Bifrost. The new facilities support the school’s creative pedagogy and vision, and set the stage for interaction between groups of different age.

Bifrost facade
Bifrost indeareal
Realised, 2017
Børneskolen Bifrost
Idea presentation through a user-driven workshop process, total consultancy and tendering in the main contract and construction management

For more than 30 years, an old knitting factory in Herning has formed the framework for the creative school Bifrost. A single-track private school, long before Folkeskolereformen, has worked with value-based learning in subject-coded learning rooms instead of neutral basic rooms. There are no doors here and creativity is an active part of everyday life in the same way as presentations for the class, grade or the whole school. Here, Sweco Architects – in close collaboration with the school’s teachers, management and board – has completed an extension to the school and a modernization of the school’s existing framework.

The vision for the project has been to create a school which to a greater extent supports the school’s pedagogical learning base, where i.a. professionalism, creativity and communication are important parameters – including creating better environments for learning, more places to stay and more contact across the school’s year groups.

Bifrost indeareal

“One of the project’s most important focal points has been to optimize the existing areas and create more functional and spacious classrooms, so that there is more focus on the interdisciplinary collaboration and the school’s “open environment pedagogy”. In addition, work has been done to create a better flow and a more logical division of the school.”
– Peter Kristiansen / Creative Manager / Learning & Leisure

Bifrost trappe med børn
Bifrost indeareal med grøn sofa

“The Green House is – in addition to being a new, dry-shoe connection to the multi-purpose hall – the school’s new meeting place which invites you to stay in all imaginable contexts. Green House is also library, learning centre, amphitheatre, lecture and presentation room, activity staircase, greenhouse and free space. There is room for communities for the whole school, for the grade or the class.”
– Peter Kristiansen / Creative Manager / Learning & Leisure