Sweco Architects
Integrated consulting
As integrated consulting architects and engineers, we approach the projects in an interdisciplinary and constructive spirit. We ensure management through detailed planning of the design-engineering processes, and we continuously include colleagues with relevant professional competences to ensure that we pull in the same direction in the project in question.
With integrated consulting, we involve the different disciplines at the point at which this creates the most value for the project. This means that the project management is in charge of and has direct daily contact with all trades, professions and specialties without looking at demarcations. The purpose is to avoid unnecessary deadweight loss and minimise waste through a timely flow of information that can form the basis for the design and execution, ensure progress and promote good cooperation throughout the process.
“It is of enormous value to involve all disciplines from the start of the design-engineering process, and then continue working closely together towards the handover of the overall building – “We make each other better players from start to finish”, says Ask Abildgaard, Head of Integrated Consulting and Design Management at Sweco Architects.
Access to 1,900 colleagues with specialised competences in Denmark
In Sweco, we have access to 1,900 colleagues in Denmark with specialised competences, such as traffic analysts, urban planners, acousticians, geotechnical technicians, environmental specialists and many more, all of whom can be brought into play in the projects. When our work as architects is backed by our colleagues’ knowledge and experience, it not only results in beautiful buildings and urban spaces, but also better and more sustainable buildings, cities, coasts and landscapes.
Together, we analyse context, needs, functions, space and economy and develop individual strategies, concepts and building programmes for each single project. For example, we can involve our urban planners at an early stage in the process to ensure an optimal planning basis. We can ensure the interaction between, for example, ventilation, fire protection and architectural quality when we analyse and think through all parameters from the start. And we can create optimal conditions for wealth of species and biodiversity in an area by involving our biologists at an early stage of the process.
Specialised integrated public housing team
With experience from public housing framework agreements and strategic partnerships such as TRUST, Byggepartnerskabet &OS and LIVA, Sweco has launched an integrated consulting team consisting of some of the most experienced architects, engineers and tenants’ coordinators specialising in creating good and healthy public housing.
Working with public housing requires an approach with a holistic focus on tenants, urban areas and sustainability. Therefore, we create value for public housing developments and the tenants based on an integrated approach because we have all disciplines gathered close to the projects and their everyday lives.
As a new approach in Sweco and in the public housing sector, we gather specialist disciplines in the same house that focus on one single independent segment. Read more about our approach here (in Danish)