Digital solutions
Environmental administration and digital management
Environmental administration and digital management
Sweco have developed a number of specialist IT solutions for the environment that many municipalities in Denmark use on a daily basis.
They each support specific tasks related to environmental supervision, soil relocation, construction waste and pest control.
Environmental supervision with MiljøWeb
MiljøWeb is our customised, web-based IT solution for municipalities’ environmental supervision of companies, agriculture and water systems.
MiljøWeb automatically collects data from various municipal systems for specific cases, making it easy for case workers to optimise their workflow without data double entry.
All screenshots in MiljøWeb are targeted at the specific tasks – and the combination of local data, data from other systems and an embedded GIS map provides a great overview of all relevant information.
MiljøWeb already meets the requirements that municipalities will stipulate in future for all their IT suppliers, in relation to support for the joint municipal infrastructure and the use and exchange of data.
Soil relocation using JordWeb
JordWeb is our IT solution that helps municipalities keep track of all soil relocation. The system ensures that soil is not moved where it can be detrimental to humans or the environment.
JordWeb systematises and simplifies the workflow for the reporter, municipality, receiving facility and haulier, while making it possible to track soil shipments from the excavation site to the receiving facility.
When a user reports a soil relocation, JordWeb automatically extracts information on addresses, location, soil contamination, etc. from public databases.
This means that municipalities will receive higher quality reporting, resulting in more efficient case management.
JordWeb handles communication between the actors involved in a case directly in the system, using automated emails and notifications that are sent every time the report is changed.
Proper management of building waste
There is a requirement in Denmark that all construction waste that is moved in connection with major construction, demolition or renovation projects must be registered and reported to the given municipality.
The Bygningsaffald IT solution makes it easy for citizens and companies to generate high-quality reports, making it easier for the municipalities to process the cases.
Bygningsaffald allows citizens and companies to easily follow the built-in step-by-step process, which guides them through the reporting process.
This ensures that all necessary information is gathered.
When a new report is submitted, the municipality receives a notification and case management can start directly in Bygningsaffald, from where it is possible to correspond with the reporter and approve and reject reports.
All emails and notifications are automatically sent to relevant partners along the way as the process plays out. This ensures that all actors receive timely updates.
Effective pest control
DriftWeb Skadedyr, also known as RotteWeb, is Sweco’s IT system for managing rat control.
The system makes it easy for citizens to report rat infestations and for the authorities to process reports and take action.
The system, which is integrated into the municipalities’ websites, records the entire workflow for each case – from the citizen’s notification and the visit by the pest controller to subsequent checks and removal of poisons and traps. This pools all the information for a given case in one place.
RotteWeb is used in more than 80 municipalities in Denmark.

Lea Taggaard
Head of Department / Software